Reading Expectations in Year 6 📚😊

Well done to all of the Year 6 children for the responsible attitude that they have shown towards their home reading and homework! 😊

Please see below for the home reading expectations for Sets One, Two and Three. This information will also be sent home in reading diaries this week.

Reading is a vital part of children’s learning; our aim is for them not only to become competent readers but to develop a real love of reading. Because of this, we encourage our children to read regularly, at length and from a wide range of genres.

In Set One, the expectation is that children should read at least 100 pages during the course of the week. This could be divided into  multiple reads, split into two or three reads or completed as one lengthy read.

In Set Two, the expectation is that children should read at least 50 pages during the course of the week. This could be divided into  multiple reads, split into two or three reads or completed as one lengthy read.

In Set Three, the expectation is that children should read either 5 times per week, or at least 50 pages. This could be divided into  multiple reads, split into two or three reads or completed as one lengthy read.

Each read should be recorded at the time of reading, with the date, pages read and a comment, and preferably initialled by an adult.

Many thanks for your support with this.

The Year 6 Team


Science Homework Project 🐿🦔🦆🦉🦋

This afternoon, we gathered together to introduce the new Science homework project and each child has been given a copy.

Please click on the link below to find out more.

Science homework project

We cannot wait to see what they produce. 😊

Year 6 Team

Homework 🏡📚😊

Homework is really valuable in helping the children consolidate what they have been learning at school, developing their independence skills and deepening their understanding of key concepts.

Here in Year 6, we support children with their homework in several ways:

  • Children are encouraged to attempt their homework over the weekend, if your child requires any support with the work that has been set, they can come to see any member of staff in the Year 6 team on a Monday or a Tuesday.
  • Reading club runs on a Wednesday lunchtime with Mrs Branford.
  • Times table club runs on a Thursday lunchtime with Mrs Morris.

As always, if you have any questions about this, please come to see one of us!

Mrs Burnett, Mrs Morris and Mrs Branford 😊

Year 6 Homework Support 🥰

Homework is really valuable in helping the children consolidate what they have been learning at school, developing their independence skills and deepening their understanding of key concepts.

Here in Year 6, we support children with their homework in several ways:

  • Children are welcome to attend homework club with Mrs Poole on a Tuesday lunchtime.
  • If your child requires any support with the work that has been set, they can come to see any member of staff in the Year 6 team on a Monday or a Tuesday.
  • Reading club runs on a Wednesday lunchtime with Mrs Branford.

As always, if you have any questions about this, please come to see one of us!

Mrs Burnett, Mrs Morris and Mrs Branford 😊

Home Learning for Week Beginning Monday 24th January 📚🖋

We hope that you aren’t feeling too unwell and wish you a speedy recovery! Please complete as many of the activities as you feel able to. 🥰

Our focus this week in English will be reading:

aSpring 1 Wk 4 SPAG Warm Ups

MON 24.1.22 Inference – To Be Sold By auction

TUES and WEDS SATS apply inference

TUES and WEDS SATS apply inference part 2

SATS reading booklet

SATS questions

SATS answers sampleks2l35 english reading mark scheme.pdf (

THURS 27.1.22 Inference – Sherlock Holmes

Friday – choose 10 of the Year 5 & 6 spellings (see spelling section of Year 6 area); read the definition for each word; practise spelling the words and see if you can writes sentences for 5 of the spellings.


Our focus this week in Maths is measures:

Monday – Length

WEBSITE Mon – Measuring Lines

TUES – Converting Length Part 1

TUES – Converting Length Part 2

TUES – Converting Length Part 3

WED Capacity Part 1

WED Capacity Part 2


Friday – Converting measures (km m cm mm L ml g kg) – Quiz (

Friday – Sats measures questions


We are continuing our ‘Living Things and Habitats’ science topic by learning about the microorganism yeast.

Lesson 4 – Investigating Yeast

The Science of Baking – Yeast reading comprehension


In geography, this week we will be learning about Indigenous Tribes and Deforestation.

Indigenous Tribes and Deforestation

Indigenous Tribes and Deforestation Part 2

Indigenous Tribes and Deforestation Part 3


For RE, we are learning all about the Hindu place of worship, a Mandir.

Mandir Part 1

Mandir Part 2


In PSHE, we are continuing our ‘Celebrating Differences’ topic by identifying and embracing differences.

Embracing difference Part 1

Embracing difference Part 2


If you are feeling up to it, why not try mastering your ball skills or learning some new dance moves!

Ball skills – PE Games At Home #7 – Tennis Ball Games – YouTube

Dancing – just dance – YouTube


We hope to have you back with us soon!

Year 6 Team 🥰

Foundation Lessons and Friday’s arithmetic for home learning.

We hope those of you at home aren’t feeling too poorly. 🥰

By clicking on the links below, you will be able to access this week’s foundation lessons and Friday’s arithmetic lesson too.

Apologies that some of the power points aren’t a single link. Due to the size of them, we have had to resave them in to several parts to be able to upload them.






We are continuing our ‘Living things and their Habitats’ topic by learning about Microorganisms this week. This week’s lesson also includes a simple investigation that will be easy to carry out at home too.

Microorganisms part 1

Microorganisms Part 2

Microorganisms Part 3

Microorganism investigation sheet



This is our second topic learning about Brazil, where we will recap the diversity of Brazil, as well as the human and physical geographical features. We will then explore what it is like within a Brazilian City.

Life within a Brazilian City Part 1

Life within a Brazilian City Part 2

Life within a Brazilian City Part 3 Life within a Brazilian City Part 4



We are learning about religions in our local area – Telford

Lesson 2 – What are the religions of our local area


Look at ‘Mona Cat’ by Romero Britto, compare it to ‘The Mona Lisa’. What is similar, different?

Romero Britto | MONA CAT (UNKNOWN) | Available for Sale | Artsy      Mona Lisa - Wikipedia

Note that he has simplified parts of it, but the form and shape is still the same, you can see that it is a simplified version of the original.

Look at another classical piece of art. You are to have a go at reproducing it by simplifying the form and adding pattern and colour. Use permanent pen and felt tip.



Remember to stay as fit and active (as much as you are able to at the moment). Why not try some more gentler exercises such as:

Home Exercises for Kids – YouTube

Cosmic Kids Yoga – YouTube


Get well soon guys!

Year 6 Team 😊


Home School Learning Week beginning 17th January 📚

We are so sorry to hear that some of you are unwell. If you are feeling up to it, please complete the activities attached to the post. Do not worry if you do not understand all of this week’s learning as we will revisit this with you in school.


This week, our focus in English is writing our own non-chronological report about a ‘Tongo Lizard’ (fictional). We would like children to word process this using Word or it can be handwritten on paper.

The links below include the powerpoints.

MON 17.1.22 Tongo Lizard Assessment

TUES 18.1.22 Tongo Lizard Write

aSpring 1 Wk 3 SPAG Warm Ups


For Maths we will be learning about algebra. Please access the powerpoints below and complete the activities.

TUES 18.1.22 Algebra -Find-a-rule-one-step

WEDS 19.1.22 Algebra -Find-a-rule-two-step

THURS 20.1.22 Algebra -Forming-expressions


Our ‘Blue Monday’ activity for today is:

Positive affirmations


We will upload the foundation lesson resources and activities tomorrow. 😊


We hope you feel better soon! 🥰

Year 6 Team

1 Minute Maths APP

White Rose Maths have released a brand-new APP which is free to download via the Apple Store and the Play Store. As a school, we use White Rose Maths to inform our mathematics lessons planning and we would highly recommending this brand-new APP for you to use to support your child with their learning at home. Thank you for your support.

Times Tables Rockstars Awards

A massive well done to the children in Year 6 who were rewarded for all of their hard work on the Times Tables Rockstars website during the Autumn term. Mr Porteous is really looking forward to seeing who he will be able to reward at the end of the Spring term for their efforts.

Year 6 Homework 📚🖋

In Year 6, children are given 1 piece of maths and 1 piece of English homework per week linked to what has been taught during lessons, as well as the weekly spellings. The homework will be given out on a Thursday (Set 3 Friday) and needs to be returned the following Wednesday. Homework will be marked during the following Thursday’s lesson (Friday for Set 3) with the children, in order to address any misconceptions. On occasion, a special homework project may be set that is linked to a foundation subject.

Regular reading is of great benefit to children’s learning. We strongly encourage the children to read at length as often as possible, recording what they have read in their reading records. It is advantageous for children to read a wide range of text genres including: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, magazines etc.

Free Reading Owl Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on Clipart Library

At St. George’s we celebrate achievement in reading. As part of this, one child per class is chosen to be ‘Reader of the Week’ and are rewarded and celebrated during Celebration Assembly. All children who have read 5 times per week, or the equivalent in pages are rewarded with a weekly ‘Reader’s Treat’ time.