End of term dates

Dear Parents,

I do hope you are all well and keeping safe.

I am writing again to continue to keep you informed. The school year will finish for all children on Wednesday 15th July, including for the children of key workers.

We plan to open school on Thursday 16th July and invite Y6 children only in to do something special for them, as they will be starting at various secondary schools in September. This will of course be subject to social distancing and will involve the Y6s being in small groups, as we have been doing with the pods. Further details will be sent out to Y6 families but we do wish to stress that this could change should new guidance come in for schools before then.

Clearly, these dates are all open to change as we are still awaiting news about what will be expected of schools in September. We also have not been told if school buildings will be used over the summer holidays.

As always, I will update you when I know more. Thank you once again for your continuing patience.

Mrs Sixsmith

Spelling shed update – 18th June!

Wow, you have been working so hard on your spellings and it is all change again on Spelling shed again!

Well done to the following sets:

  1. Year 4, set 1
  2. Year 3, set 1
  3. Year 6, set 1
  4. Year 3, set 2
  5. Year 5, set 1

And an even bigger well done to the following children:

  1. Layla C (Y4)
  2. Jacob W (Y6)
  3. Isabelle C (Y3)
  4. Orla (Y3)
  5. Sophie C (Y5)
  6. Dillon C (Y3)
  7. Robyn (Y5)
  8. Amelia O (Y3)
  9. Oliver D (Y2)
  10. Evan D (Y2)

Lots of year 2’s and 3’s in the top 10 again – fantastic! Also a big well done to Sophie and Dillon C. Can you beat Sophie, Dillon? Can we get any other sibling pairs in the top 10?

Happy spelling over the weekend children. New spellings will be up on Saturday. Let’s see how the leader boards stand on Monday.


TTRS Battle Update!

Hello Year 6,

As it stands boys are in the lead with 2343 points and thee girls have 778 points.

Most Valuable Players πŸ†

Owen with 1107 points for the boys and Austina with 258 for the girls … well done!

There is still plenty of time to add to the scores, so getting times table rocking!


Year 6 Team 😊

Whole school update letter 16.6.20

Please read attached letter which was emailed to all parents earlier today. Please note that the Government have now announced that they will be funding the Free School Meals Vouchers over the Summer holidays which is great news.

Update letter to parents final 16.6.20

Artist in a Box Competition

Calling all budding artists…

This week we are launching a whole school art competition for you to get involved in at home.

You task

Create a box to represent your year group artist. Fill your box with information, pictures, colours, symbols, objects and your own work painted in the style of the artist.

Email photo evidence of your project to admin@stgeorgesschool.org.uk by Friday 26th June.Β The Arts Team will then judge the entries and pick a winner.

You can find further details about the competition here.

Artist in a Box Competition

We look forward to seeing your projects!

Spelling shed update :) 15th June 2020

Wow, it is all change over the weekend in the Spelling shed leader boards. Some of you have been doing lots of practise – well done!

The top 5 classes at St George’s Primary school are:

  1. Year 6, Set 1
  2. Year 3, Set 2
  3. Year 4, Set 1
  4. Year 5, Set 1
  5. Year 3, Set 1

2B, 2BF and 2P are not too far behind – well done!

There are also a few new names in the top 10, well done children!

  1. Jacob W (Y6)
  2. Layla C (Y4)
  3. Isabelle C (Y3)
  4. Oliver L (Y5)
  5. Georgina T (Y3)
  6. Amelia O (Y3)
  7. Gracie B (Y3)
  8. Oliver D (Y2)
  9. Robyn D (Y5)
  10. Keegan (Y3)

Great effort everyone! Let’s see if it will be all change again on Thursday.

TTRS Battle! πŸ‘§ vs πŸ‘¦

Hello Year 6,

It is time to battle again!

Girls you have the chance to redeem yourselves and beat the boys … or will the boys be victorious again?

The challenge begins now and will continue until 2:30pm on Friday 19th June.

Rock on Year 6 πŸ˜€πŸ€˜πŸ€˜

Mrs Morris and The Year 6 Team 😊

Mayan Art πŸ–πŸ–ŒπŸŽ¨

Hello Year 6,

I thought that you may like to create a piece of a linked to the Maya civilisation.  I have included a power point with some information and some ideas that you might like to make, but feel free to get creative! The Mayans loved pattern and bold colours. 🀩


or a Mayan mask

Click on the links below to templates of the masks.

Maya mask template

Maya mask template2


We would love to see and celebrate your creations by posting them onto the website. Please send a picture of them by midday on Friday 19th June to year6teamstgeorgesschoolorg.uk


Year 6 Team 😁