Reading Expectations in Year 6 📚😊

Well done to all of the Year 6 children for the responsible attitude that they have shown towards their home reading and homework! 😊

Please see below for the home reading expectations for Sets One, Two and Three. This information will also be sent home in reading diaries this week.

Reading is a vital part of children’s learning; our aim is for them not only to become competent readers but to develop a real love of reading. Because of this, we encourage our children to read regularly, at length and from a wide range of genres.

In Set One, the expectation is that children should read at least 100 pages during the course of the week. This could be divided into  multiple reads, split into two or three reads or completed as one lengthy read.

In Set Two, the expectation is that children should read at least 50 pages during the course of the week. This could be divided into  multiple reads, split into two or three reads or completed as one lengthy read.

In Set Three, the expectation is that children should read either 5 times per week, or at least 50 pages. This could be divided into  multiple reads, split into two or three reads or completed as one lengthy read.

Each read should be recorded at the time of reading, with the date, pages read and a comment, and preferably initialled by an adult.

Many thanks for your support with this.

The Year 6 Team


Welcome Back! 😊

We would like to take the opportunity to welcome back all of the wonderful children who have started Year 6 this week! We have been so impressed with their behaviour and attitude to learning – well done everyone! We are really looking forward to a fantastic year with you all 😊

Welcome Back! | Pears Family School

End of Year Production and Goodbye! ?

Today, we said goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 children. We are very sad to see them go but wish them all the very best for their new adventures in the next chapter of their lives ❤

Here are some pictures of the Year 6 End of Year Production from earlier this week. ? A huge well done to each and every one of them ???


Come Dine With Me!

We had a fantastic time making and serving our spaghetti bolognaise to the Reception children during our school ‘Come Dine With Me’! And we loved the chocolate crispy cakes that they made for us! ?


Canopic Jars

As part of our history topic on Ancient Civilisations, we have been focussing on The Ancient Egyptians. The children have really enjoyed learning about the mummification process and, linked to this, their art topic has been all about designing and creating canopic jars (which were used during mummification).

Here are some pictures of the children’s finished artwork! ?


Crucial Crew 😊

Today, we took part in Crucial Crew at Telford College. This involved lots of scenarios designed to teach the children about keeping safe in the local community: the activities taught the children vital lessons about things such as water safety, fire safety, road safety, keeping healthy and electrical safety.

The children’s attitudes were absolutely outstanding. Well done, Year 6- you were a credit to yourselves and to St George’s! 👏👏👏


Sports Day!

Well done to all of the children in Year 6 for their brilliant participation in Sports Day!

Everybody’s attitude was fantastic and you made us all extremely proud! ⭐



Acts of Kindness 🥰

We wanted to show our appreciation for our wonderful office staff who work so hard in our school 🥰 A huge thank you from the children and staff in Year 6 to Mrs Smith, Mrs Bradburn, Mrs Tranter and Mrs Bryan! 😊