TAARC Visit to Year 6

The children in Year 6 were treated to a visit from Heather Reid, who came from TAARC (Telford African and Afro-Caribbean Resource Centre). The children learned lots of fascinating facts about the Windrush Generation, and discussed what it might have been like for the people who came to Britain, and also the challenges that they faced when they arrived.





Year 6 – Inclusive Football Festival

14 of our Year 6 boys participated in an Inclusive Football Festival that we hosted on Tuesday. This was for boys who have never, or rarely, had the opportunity to represent our school football team. 53 other children from local Primary Schools joined in the fun too. Thankfully, the showers stayed away and the sunshine was out ☀ ⚽

Year 5/6 Online Safety Performance

Year 5 and 6 parents and carers- don’t forget to book your place to watch Snap Trap theatre performance in school on Friday this week with your child!
We have booked 2engage Theatre Company to come into school on Friday 14th June for Year 5 and 6. Each child in these year groups can have one parent/carer attend the performance too so please book your parent/carer place using ParentPay now. You do not need to book a place for your child as they will all watch the performance as part of our online safety curriculum. We have paid for the theatre company to come into school so there is no charge to you for this experience. The performance lasts 50-60 minutes.
Year 5’s performance starts at 1pm. Parents/carers who attend can take children home early at the end of this should you wish to.
Year 6’s performance starts at 2.15pm.
We would love for every child to have a parent/carer come and join them for this performance if possible so please do book a place. Thank you for your support.

Year 6 Mini First Aid

Here are some pictures from our Mini First Aid sessions, where the children in Year 6 learned vital life-saving skills. As always, our Year 6 children did us proud with their fantastic attitudes! Well done, everyone! 🙂



A Huge Well Done to Year 6! 👏👏👏

Wow! We have been blown away this week by our Year 6 children! Their attitude towards their SATS this week has been phenomenal and we are so very proud of each and every one of them! ❤ Great work, Year 6! You are all super stars! ⭐⭐

Ancient Egyptian Canopic Jars in Year 6

Our Art topic this term is ‘Pots‘, which links to our Ancient Civilisations topic in History. The children have started by researching the use of canopic jars during the Ancient Egyptian mummification process, which they have found fascinating!



Blogging in Year 6! 😊

Our computing topic this half term has been ‘Blogging’. The children have planned and developed their own blog page, adding their own posts and interacting with posts created by others. We have been really impressed by their work!



Earth Day in Year 6 🌍

Earth Day Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download

April 22nd was Earth Day. 🌍 In Year 6, we learned about the importance of looking after our planet and discussed this year’s theme of, ‘ Planet vs Plastics’. We created posters and wrote pledges of how we will ‘invest in our planet’ for the future.