Maths Arithmetic and Reasoning Papers

Hello Year 6,


I thought that by now you might be missing some practise SATS papers! 😉

Here are a set for you to have a go at and see what you can do and what you may need to revisit again. The mark scheme is here too.







Enjoy! 😁

Year 6 Team 😊

Maths – Percentages

Hello Year 6!

I know percentages is an area that can be tricky and that we usually revisit lots of times. Therefore, I thought it would be a good time to revise and practise finding percentages of amounts.

Below you will find a PPT with step by step instructions and practise questions, as well as lots of other percentage activities for you to try.

Percentages of amounts

Percentages quiz-powerpoint





Have a great week.

Year 6 Team 😊


A few weeks ago, we sent out a request asking for our school’s community to nominate our school to win a Storytelling Chair through ‘The School Playground Company’s’ Facebook page. We are delighted to announce that we WON!

Thank you so much to everyone who nominated us, we saw that some people even put some very complimentary comments alongside our nomination which didn’t go unnoticed. What a week for St George’s C of E Primary School! We are looking forward to our large delivery soon!

Thank you for your support.

Brooke’s Microorganism Project 😍🔬🧪

Brooke we are so proud of of all your hard work and the super work that you have produced! I hope you have learnt lots of new facts and enjoyed completing your research. 😊👏

Year 6 Team 😊

Owen’s Favourite Pictures 😍

Thank you Owen for sharing what you have been up to during lockdown. It looks like you have been to some lovely places and have been enjoying the fantastic weather!

It is great to see you and I know your friends will love seeing you too. 😊

Year 6 Team 😊

TTRS Battle Results 👧 vs 👦

The results are in …

Congratulations to the Year 6 BOYS with 6887 points! 😁👏🏆

It was very close girls, you finished the battle with 6428 points. Well done!


Most valuable players 🥇

For the boys – Owen!  😁🥇                                     For the girls – Jasmine! 😁🥇

Also well done for the contributions of  …

Coby                                                                          Amber

Tyler                                                                          Austina

Ben                                                                           Daisy-May

Brodie                                                                       Emile

Alfie                                                                           Bobby

Caileb                                                                        Lacey


There will be another chance to re-battle soon!


Year 6 Team 😊

Children coming into school

Hi Everyone,

If your child is coming into school, please could you also ensure that your child has clothes that will keep them warm in the classrooms in all weathers. Following guidance, we have to keep the doors and windows open to ventilate rooms and it can be quite cool in some of the rooms, especially in the mornings. We need the beautiful sunshine to come back!

Thank you.

Spelling shed update – 4th June!

It has been another busy week on spelling shed. Well done to all the children who have been playing. Next week I will be having a look who has been playing and celebrating children who have been playing lots but haven’t quite made it into the top 10!

Classes leader board is as follows:

Year 5 set 1 are 1st

Year 5 set 3 are 2nd

Year 5 set 2 are 3rd

Year 4 set 1 are 4th (a new arrival to the top 5)

Year 3 set 2 are 5th

2P and 2BF, you are not far behind. Well done!

And now for the top 10 spellers in the whole school:

Olly (Y5)

Oliver L (Y5)

Layla C (Y4)

Georgia (Y5)

Logan (Y5)

Grace (Set 1, Y5)

Charlie (Y5)

Lili T (Y2)

Lucy T (Y2)

Gracie B (Y3)

Well done to all of these children!

Maybe set yourself a challenge this week to see if you can get into the top 10!



TTRS Update!

Girls are still in the lead with 4714 points and boys you now have 2307.

However, we now have new MVPs 🏆🥇🏆…

Well done to Tyler for the boys and Amber for the girls 😁👏👏👏

Come on boys, there is still time to catch up!

I wonder who will be leading tomorrow?

The Year 6 Team 😊