Learning through landscapes!

Learning through landscapes – Week One!

With all this beautiful weather, here are some ideas for outdoor learning/play.

Sustainable Learning And Play W1

Link to download the Activity Sheet: Sustainable Home Learning And Play

Y6 BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons

Hello everyone!

Here is the link to some Daily Lesson recommendations on the BBC Bitesize Website appropriate for Year 6 pupils : http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zncsscw/year-6-lessons/1

They cover a range of topics including Maths, Music, Science, English, Wellbeing & Humanities!

Enjoy having a go at the lessons,

From your Year 6 Teachers.

St George’s Day Work

Don’t forget we would like to see work this week from our children about St George and St George’s Day. Children can do anything they like- writing, pictures, designing a dragon, etc. Anything! Please see the previous post for more details. Well done to Ronnie and Reggie who have already sent in a photo of a picture they have done together at home.