Keeping Active at Home⚽🎾🏀

Hello Year 6

Our school’s PE Twitter account has some great ideas on how to keep active at home.

Stay safe!

-Parents do not need to have a Twitter account to be able to view the content.

Communicate with us with our new year 6 e-mail!👌😊🎆

Hello Year Six! We hope that you are all safe and happy. We have really missed seeing and teaching you and would love to find out what you have been up to. If you have completed/created any work that you would like us to see or if there is anything that you simply want to talk about then email the year six e -mail

( . We will then be able to see your work and reply to you.

We are very much looking forward to hearing from you,

The Year Six team.

History – Ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egypt | History | KS2 | Melloo

We had completed most of our Ancient Egyptian topic and had learnt some super interesting information, however there is still so much more we could have learnt about. We would like you to revise and research about the Ancient Egyptians and choose how you would like to present this; it could be a poster, power point etc.

Here are some links that you could use:

BBC Ancient Egyptians

Ducksters – Ancient Egyptians

Twinkl – Ancient Egyptians


We would love to see your projects! Please send your projects or pictures of your projects to the Year 6 email (by Friday 1st May) and we can share them with your friends too on the year 6 section of the website.

Stay safe & have fun 🙂



PSHE – Well Being Activities

Lock down Bucket List

Create a bucket list poster – full of the wonderful moments and activities you have really enjoyed since being away from school and also the things you would like to do before returning to school.


‘What I Am Looking Forward to After Lock Down’ Jar.

Decorate a jar and fill it with lots of slips of paper about the things that you are missing or would really like to do after lock down.

When things return to normal, you can open your jar; enjoy reading them and have a lovely time achieving them. 🙂

           Fairytale Twinkle Jars | Jar crafts, Mason jar crafts, Recycled ...

Bonjour Phase 2

A little French challenge for you try, if you fancy.

How you answer the questions is up to you, you can be as creative and imaginative as you wish.

I know and you know, how you love to make your French books “tres beau.”

So go for it, I can’t wait to see what you do.

  1. How tall is the Eiffel Tower?
  2. Who is the President?
  3. When did “La Tour de France” begin?
  4. What is the river that runs through Paris?
  5. How many countries border France? Can you name them?
  6. Can you write nine hundred and ninety-nine in French words?
  7. Can you draw the French flag and what is it called and why?
  8. Name 6 or more colours.
  9. Can you write a few sentences about yourself? Name, age, where you live, how you are feeling, what you look like, what pets you have?
  10. Can you draw a famous landmark in PARIS and give 3 astonishing facts about it?

I really can’t wait to see what you can all do.

Merci bien et rester en securite.  Thank you and stay safe.

Madame Sohier

Learning through landscapes!

Learning through landscapes – Week One!

With all this beautiful weather, here are some ideas for outdoor learning/play.

Sustainable Learning And Play W1

Link to download the Activity Sheet: Sustainable Home Learning And Play

Y6 BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons

Hello everyone!

Here is the link to some Daily Lesson recommendations on the BBC Bitesize Website appropriate for Year 6 pupils :

They cover a range of topics including Maths, Music, Science, English, Wellbeing & Humanities!

Enjoy having a go at the lessons,

From your Year 6 Teachers.