April: 10 Home Learning Ideas for Year 6

Here are a few more ideas that you can use for home learning.

  1. Log onto Purple Mash and create a quiz for someone in your household to have a go at using ‘2quiz’.
  2. Have a go at the Ultimate Times Table Challenge.  Ultimate Times Table challenge
  3. Try a few of these STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) activities. STEM home learning
  4. Miss Mogg’s art challenge: Using anything you like (paint, pencil, felt tips, crayons) create a picture that could have the title ‘Hero’. Parents can share with the hashtag #missmoggsart . We will share them on here!
  5. Visit  https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/8_10/    to learn and play games about staying safe online.
  6. Create your very own comic! comic strip template
  7. Saving The Planet: Make a poster to remind people to turns lights off.
  8. There are plenty of things to do in this Easter English Booklet Easter English Booklet
  9. Take some time to relax by colouring in this intricate Easter egg design. Mindfulness Egg
  10. Create a dance routine to your favourite song! If possible, ask a family member to record you and then watch your routine. What have you done well? What could you improve?

Year 6- Home Learning Packs

We have provided the children with a ‘home learning pack’ which outlines lots of activities and projects to do whilst they are not in school for subjects such as history, PSHE and science. They have been given many revision books too.

There are lots of useful links on the handout such as:

https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school     (timetables)

https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb         (spellings)

https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resources/covid19-school-closures.       (Whole curriculum)

You may also find these useful:

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize (Whole curriculum)

https://world-geography-games.com/world.html    (Geography)

https://mysteryscience.com/           (Science)

https://www.bighistoryproject.com/home      (History)

We would also encourage the children to read as many WHOLE books as they can as well as trying to stay active!