Year 6 Homework 📚

In Year 6, children are given 1 piece of maths and 1 piece of English homework per week linked to what has been taught during lessons, as well as the weekly spellings.

Regular reading is of great benefit to children’s learning. We strongly encourage the children to read at length as often as possible, recording what they have read in their reading records. It is advantageous for children to read a wide range of text genres including: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, magazines etc.

Free Reading Owl Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on Clipart  Library

At St. George’s we celebrate achievement in reading. As part of this, one child per class is chosen to be ‘Reader of the Week’ and are celebrated during Celebration Assembly. All children who have read 5 times per week, or the equivalent in pages are rewarded with a weekly ‘Reader’s Treat’ time.

Art Project – The Results Are In!

Artist in a Box Competition

A big well done to everyone that took part in the ‘Artist in a Box’ competition. Your entries were all fantastic and it was clear that you worked incredibly hard on your projects.

After much deliberation, we have chosen our winners..

First place goes to Heidi Preece for her incredible gallery of Monet’s work.

Second place goes to Evie Stones for her brilliant attention to detail. 

Third place goes to Edward Whitehouse for his huge, multi-piece project on Paul Klee.

Well done to our winners! You will each receive your prizes when we return to school in September.

If you didn’t win the competition this time, please don’t be upset. There will be plenty of other opportunities next year!

Thank you again for getting involved in this project and producing such amazing work!

The Arts Team.

Year 6 Transition Support

Hello Year 6 🖐

Your transition from Year 6 to Year 7 of your secondary school has been very different this year! Attached is some information and ideas to help you feel a bit more prepared for the transition and exciting time ahead.



We look forward to seeing you on Thursday! 😍

The Year 6 Team 😊


We hope you have all had lots of fun researching your scientists and conducting lots of exciting experiments!

I will attach the PDF’s with all the activities on again below, just in case you have missed them! If you have completed your year groups activities and want to do some more, feel free to dip into any other year groups resources or you could do them with your siblings!

Remember to share any photos or videos with us at

EY Bubbles

KS1 Paper Planes

Whole school spinners

y34 sundials and space

y56 Telephones

Two girls in year 5, Evie and Ruby, have sent us some photos already. Have a look at their super work below.


Super Scientists - Science Bulletin Board | Science bulletin ...

We can’t wait to see your photos and videos, St George’s!


REMINDER- Art Project

Hi everyone!

Just a reminder that the deadline for the ‘Artist in a Box’ competition is Friday 10th July. Please email photo evidence of your project to

The Arts Team will then judge the entries and announce a winner on the following Monday.

Good Luck!

Writing Challenge! ✏👸🐲

Ridiculous Writers | Young Writers

This week, we would like the children at home to get involved with our creative writing challenge! Each key stage will be given a different theme which will inspire them and give them a purpose for their writing.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a competition. The aim of this challenge is to encourage creative writing.

Key Stage 2- Ridiculous Writers

We challenge you to write a mini saga (a story told in 100 words) inspired by a ridiculous word pairing e.g. a story about the ‘Gangster Bogey’, the ‘Singing Biscuit’ or the ‘Forgetful Chef’.

Start by watching this short video to introduce the activity and then use the online idea generator to create a crazy combo for your ridiculous story.


Below are some resources to help you with this task including a PowerPoint and a planning sheet.

Ridiculous Writes- PowerPoint Presentation

Crazy Combo Generator- Paper Version

Pupil Worksheet

Don’t forget to send a copy of your story to your year group email address. We can’t wait to read your children’s ridiculous writing!

Keeping Active Bingo Card

Bingo Card

Thank you to everyone who sent in their video clips of them completing last week’s various National School Sports Week Challenges. The final challenge, set last Friday, was to have a go at the various activities included on the attached Bingo Card.



Artist in a Box- Deadline Extended

Hi everyone!

We are aware that there are a lot of projects going on at the moment so we have decided to extend the deadline for the ‘Artist in a Box’ competition.

Read here for more information about the competition.

The new deadline is now Friday 10th July. The winner and runners up will be announced the following week. Please email photo evidence of your project to

We look forward to seeing more of your projects. If we get enough entries, we will make a film to showcase them all!

National School Sports Week 2020

It is currently National School Sports Week. If you have Facebook, you may have noticed that we have been setting you daily challenges to have a go at. We would like you to be filmed performing your best challenge and we would love your video to be posted onto our school’s Facebook page. If you don’t have a Facebook account, the challenges are below and you could send us your video clip via email. Have a go!