Music In Year 6 ??

Here are some pictures of the fabulous music work that the children have been doing as part of their ‘World Unite’ topic! This week, they learned about how to represent notes of different pitches, as well as using body percussion to accompany a syncopated rhythm. Great work everyone! ?      

Photos/videos for Christmas Performances/Carol Concerts

We know as proud parents and carers you may want to take photos/videos of your child performing in the Christmas performances/carol concerts. However, please note that a number of parents have not consented to photos being taken of their children in school and some of our children are currently in care.

Therefore, the taking of photos/videos does cause the school some safeguarding concerns.

Please can we ask that if you do take photos/videos please try to only take images of your own children where possible and do not post images of other children on your social media. Thank you for your support with this.

How We Would Try to Make the World a Better Place 🌏🥰

In R.E., we discussed problems within the wider world and what Christians do to try to make the world a better place. We then reflected on this and thought about how we could change the world for the better. Well done to the year 6 children for demonstrating such compassion and showing a deep level of thinking. 🥰

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Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Children In Need in Year 6! 🥰

We have had lots of fun today joining in with the BBC’s Mood-busters live stream with Joe Wicks! 😊 Thank you to everyone for your amazing support with Children in Need today! 🙏

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Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Design a Watch Competition

A ‘Design a Watch’ competition has been launched today in school with a number of analogue watches on offer as prizes for the winning entries. Please ask your child’s class teacher for an entry form if your child would like to enter. Please can completed entries be handed in to Mrs Morris or Mr Porteous by Wednesday 23rd November. Thank you for your support and good luck.

Remembrance Day in Year 6

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We spent time today remembering those who had served our country. We reflected on what this meant to us and to others both in our classes and during our special Remembrance assembly.

Mrs Sixsmith Visits Year 6 to Talk About Nepal 🏔😊

This week, Mrs Sixsmith came to talk to the Year 6 children about her experiences in Nepal, as the children have been learning all about Mount Everest and The Himalayas as part of their Geography topic of Mountains. The children were fascinated by the information that Mrs Sixsmith shared with them, and enjoyed asking her lots of questions about her time in Nepal!

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera