St Georges Community Rock Snake

Rock Snake!

Good afternoon everyone! 😊

Several groups within the St Georges community have decided to come together to make our own rock snake. You may have seen ‘Percy’ the rock snake which is based in Priorslee. It is fantastic and has hundreds of painted rocks. We would love for you all to get involved in our own snake!

A fantastic artist, Sarah Jayne, has painted the head for our snake and it has already been placed at the main entrance to Little Dragons. This will then lead down towards the ‘Flash’.

Please join in and add your own colourful rocks and let’s see how long it grows. We can’t wait to see your creations!

Super Scientists!

Super Scientists!

We would love for you to make your very own string telephone!

How could you adapt it to make it even better?

What did Alexander Graham Bell invent?

Carry out further experiments all about sound.

Over the next two weeks, we would like our Year 5 and 6 children to learn more about sound and how it travels!

Activity ideas can be found here – y56 Telephones

We would love to see your experiments and research at school. Please email them to us at

Alexander Graham Bell - Inventions, Telephone & Facts - Biography 144 years pass since first words uttered on telephone What is sound? | Sound explained for primary-school children ...

Super Scientists!

‘Whatever goes up must come down’

Can you research Sir Isaac Newton?

Can you make a helicopter spinner?

How slowly can your spinner go?

Can you adapt and modify your design to change the speed of your helicopter spinner?

Over the next two weeks we would like for all year groups to experiment with helicopter spinners!

Activity ideas can be found here- Whole school spinners

We would love to see your helicopter spinner experiments at school, please email your fabulous experiments to

Papercopter | HowStuffWorks

Reading…have you still got what it takes?

In year 6, we have worked very hard on reading comprehension. Reading is a key skill and it is not just about sounding fluent and using expression. Children need to have a deep understanding of what they are reading about.

Can you still remember how to answer the different types of questions?

Below are links to the reading text, the answer booklet and then the mark scheme to a reading test called ‘The Holiday’ .

Reading booklet

Answer booklet

Mark scheme

Have a go and see how well you do.

Stay Safe,

Year 6 Team

Design a T-Shirt to Celebrate Year 6

Good morning Year 6!

This week we would like you to design a t-shirt that shows your memories, highlights and favourite moments of Year 6. You could draw the outline yourself or use the template below to help you.

Some ideas may be: Arthog, Knife Angel trip, booster classes, Christmas production or favourite lessons. You might draw your favourite things about St George’s from your whole time here instead. The choice is yours.

Here is a template you can use if you wish to.


We can’t wait to see your creations.

Please email them to

Stay safe,

Year 6 team


Spelling shed update – 22nd June 2020!

There has been a switch round of places in the top 5 this week and a new addition to the leader board!

Well done to the following sets and classes:

  1. Year 3, set 1
  2. Year 4, set 1
  3. Year 5, set 1
  4. Year 6, set 1
  5. 2B

An extra special well done to 2B for making it into the top 5 in the whole school, how amazing!

Now for the top 10 children in the whole school. We have 3 new entrants into the top 10 so well done to Zara (Y6), Jasmine (Y6) and Caitlyn (Y4). I also said I would mention siblings. A big well done to Evan D (Y2) and Dillon C (Y3) who have both overtaken their big sisters in Year 5.

The top 10 is as follows:

  1. Layla (Y4)
  2. Orla (Y3)
  3. Dillon (Y3)
  4. Sophie (Y5)
  5. Zara (Y6)
  6. Amelia (Y3)
  7. Evan (Y2)
  8. Robyn (Y5)
  9. Jasmine (Y6)
  10. Caitlyn (Y4)

Remember to keep practising your spellings on Spelling shed. Can you make the top 10?


Congratulations Year 6 Girls! 👧🏆🥇🤘

Huge well done to the Year 6 girls this time… they are officially the Time Table Rockstars with 7230 points  compared with the boys 6506 points! 👏👏👏

That means it is now Boys 1 – Girls 1! 😃

Everyone that contributed during the competition should be very proud… 😁

Alec. Owen, Callum, Coby, Tyler and Alfie.

.Jasmine, Austine, Amie, Joann, Daisy-May, Emile, and Lacey.


A special mention goes to the MVPs …

MVPs 🏆🥇🏆

Boys … Alec with an impressive 2440!        Girls … Jasmine with a whopping 4461!


Again, well done to everyone who participated. There will be one final battle before the end of term to help decide who are the ultimate times table champions … the girls or the boys?


Year 6 Team 😊

REMINDER- Art Project

Hi everyone!

Just a reminder about the ‘Artist in a Box’ competition that was launched on Monday.  Read here for further details.

Email photo evidence of your project to by Friday 26th June. The Arts Team will then judge the entries and pick a winner.

Here is our first entry for the competition! 

Well done to Grace from 5B for her fantastic interpretation of a famous painting of Claude Monet painting outdoors.


We look forward to seeing more of your projects. If we get enough entries, we will make a film to showcase them all!