Christmas message from Rev. Kevin Evans.

I am sure that we are all struggling with the disappointment we are feeling in the light of the renewed measures and restrictions brought about by the latest development in our continuing battle with Covid-19. It seems especially cruel when we had been hoping for something approaching a more normal time of celebration and fellowship at Christmas. At St. George’s Church we are particularly disappointed at again not being able to welcome the school into church for a carol service and Christmas celebration. For the church to remain silent and empty when we were expecting it to be vibrant and full of life is a real source of grief and pain.

It is against this that we need to remember that the true message of Christmas is one of hope. That hope is for all people in all places and circumstances. That hope is the knowledge that all grief and pain will be overturned with joy and peace because of Christmas.

We need to remember that the first Christmas was a time of challenge and upheaval for Joseph and Mary and the baby Jesus. Mary, an unmarried mother to be, was vulnerable and alone except for the presence of Joseph, a man grappling with a situation which challenged his faith and personal feelings and instincts. That was bad enough, but instead of being able to quietly settle down into some kind of normality, they are disturbed by the demands of outside forces beyond their control and seemingly uncaring about their personal needs, wants or circumstances. They became part of an unwilling movement of people and finding themselves far from home and comfort and entirely dependent upon the welcome or otherwise of strangers. But out of this unpromising situation a promised hope emerged to change the world for ever.

In this time of uncertainty and disappointment let us all hold onto the real message of hope that is Christmas. I am certain that much that is good will come out of the time that we have shared. I am sure of that because so much that is good has been poured into bearing and sharing this time.

May God’s blessing, peace and hope be with us all.

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