
Welcome to Nursery

Nursery’s sheep week!

In nursery we have a nursery rhyme of the week. This week we have learned the words to Baa baa black sheep. Throughout the week we have created sheep for our display, read many stories, and discussed colours and textures of wool. We have also learned about how sheep are sheered to make lots of important things like jumpers, house insulation and bedding to keep us warm and comfy at night!


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Miss Whittaker, Miss Lees, Mrs Porter, and Mrs Hicks would like to warmly welcome you to the Nursery area of our website.

At St George’s Nursery, we enjoy welcoming both children and parents into school, ready to embark on their first experiences. Here in Nursery, we open our gates at 8.30am ready to encourage your child to take part in learning opportunities from the moment they enter.

Throughout the day your child will take part in many engaging activities covering a broad range of learning, this is underpinned by the promotion of communication, independence, and social interactions. The Nursery team ensure the children are provided with an exciting language rich environment in which they feel happy and safe, laying the foundation for academic success.

We use Tapestry (an online journal system) to record your child’s learning journey while at Nursery so we can celebrate their achievements together. This also allows you to share all the wonderful activities you do at home with us-we really look forward to meeting and working with you all.

If you would like to get in touch with us directly, please use the e-mail address below.



Class Showcase
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Nursery’s sheep week!
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Nursery’s little adventure!
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Nursery’s fantastic first week!

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Nursery’s sheep week!
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Nursery’s little adventure!
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Nursery’s fantastic first week!
See more Showcase Items