Year 2

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Mrs Probert
Year 2 Teacher
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Emily Haynes
Year 2 Teacher
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Miss Bibi
Year 2 Teacher

Welcome to Year 2

Year 2 Literacy

As part of our author study unit in Literacy, we have been enjoying books written by Anthony Browne. Today we read the book Silly Billy and then made our own worry doll which we will get to take home.

The children can share their worries with the worry doll and then put the doll under their pillow. The doll takes the worries in the person’s place so that they can have a good night’s sleep and not have to worry about anything!

To read the book, click on the picture.

Pin on Picture Books


See previous messages & posts

Miss Bibi, Mrs Probert and Miss Haynes, would like to warmly welcome you to the Year 2 area of our website. We look forward to working closely in partnership with you.

Year 2 Staff

Miss Bibi

Mrs Probert

Miss Haynes

Mrs Newbold

Mrs Bowyer

Mrs Burton

Mrs Thorpe

Homework is  given out every Friday and should be returned at the latest on the following Wednesday, so it can be marked ready to go out again on the Friday.

We will start sending spellings home during Autumn 2. They will be given out on a Monday and you will find them in their reading diary. Whilst we do practise these spellings during the week, children will benefit from regular spelling practise at home.

We recommend that the children should be reading at home a minimum of 4 times a week at home and we encourage parents/carers to record this in their reading records. In Year 2, children are taught to change their own reading books and they can do this when they have finished reading their school book at home. The children also have the opportunity to bring home a book of their choice to share with you at home.

P.E. sessions will take place on a Monday every week. Please can your child come to school dressed in their PE kit. They will stay in their PE kit all day. If your child has their ears pierced, please remove earrings on PE days or send in plasters for them to cover their ears with.

We encourage our children to stay hydrated throughout the day and welcome water bottles to be brought in.

Children are encouraged to eat healthily at St George’s, so they will be provided with fresh fruit everyday.

Below is an overview of the topics which we will be covering across the curriculum.

Year 2 Yearly Overview 24 25

If you have any questions you would like to ask, don’t hesitate to talk to a member of Year 2 team at the door. Alternatively, you can email us at 

Class Showcase
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Year 2 Literacy
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Year 2 Maths
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Year 2 Geography

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Year 2 Literacy
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Year 2 Maths
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Year 2 Geography
See more Showcase Items

Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework


Homework is optional in Year 2. It is given out every Friday and should be returned at the latest on the following Wednesday, so it can be marked ready to go out again on the Friday.

We encourage the children to practise their spellings and times tables using Spelling Shed and Times Table Rockstar. Please find the website links on classroom apps section.

See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

Summer 2 Spellings

Here is a list of all the spellings that Mrs Probert’s and Miss Morgan’s group will be focusing on during Summer 2. The children will learn the rule every week and practise their spellings daily in school during our spelling session. The spellings are also uploaded to Spelling Shed weekly  so using their log in the children can practise them using a range of spelling games at home too. A spelling test will take place on a Friday every week.

Summer 2 Weekly spelling lists


See previous spellings

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.