Help at Church Needed Please

Can anyone help Reverend Evans and The St George’s Church Team please?
Lots of people say how much they like coming into church for our special services and other times together. They also say what a lovely building it is and how important it is in making us proud of our community. Right now we need to make it so more people can visit our church and enjoy it as well. Could you or someone you know offer some time during the week to be part of a team of people acting as welcomers and guides to our church? We want to have the church open to visitors for two days a week through most of the summer from 10:00am until 2:00pm. The plan is for 2-3 people (or more would be great) to come and be in and around the church so the door can be open for anyone to visit and enjoy what our church has to offer. If you would like to be a carer and a sharer of our church please let our churchwarden Mr Alan Talbot know on the church website or on 612075.
God bless, Rev. Kevin.