Online Safety

Welcome to our Online safety section of the website.

As a school, we subscribe to a monthly news letter containing tips and tricks to help you as parents understand the online community and support your children to navigate this safely. This is sent out to all parents via e-mail.

You can also find the latest copy of this below.

Online Safety Newsletter Primary March 2024_St Georges Telford_29-02-2024

We regularly talk about the 4 c’s which is a useful way of helping your children understand the risks they may encounter online. These are

Conduct-how you behave and how to be kind

Contact-who you talk to and how to be safe

Content-what you look at and what to do if you see anything scary/worrying

Commerce-what you spend your money on how to make sure you protect your money.


A copy of the slides can be found here from our parents online workship.

This link will take you to some useful resources to help you keep your child safe online

If you have any concerns about your child’s online activities or you feel you need advice and support, you can e-mail your child’s class teacher on their class e-mail address or you could ask to speak to one of our team of DSL’s.

Mrs Croft, Mrs Jervis, Mrs Evans, Mrs Watts, Mrs Foxley or Mrs Sixsmith will be only to happy to advise your or signpost you to where you can access more help and support.

You can report issues to CEOP if you have concerns about your child’s online communication with someone.

CEOP also  run a website called ‘thinkuknow’ which has games and information to help both you and your child navigate the online world safely.