Published on: 15th September, 2023

Weekly Newsletter #1 Autumn 2023


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Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our new style newsletter which will be sent out weekly. The aim of these newsletters will be to capture what we’ve been up to in the week and celebrate events, news and achievements. This week our newsletter is pretty quiet being so close to the start of the school year, but I am sure it will get fuller as we move through the busy term!

Mrs Sixsmith

Head Teacher

Year 3 ROCK!

Year 3 had a brilliant time in science. For the beginning of their rocks topic, they worked in groups to make observations of a variety of rocks. They then grouped the rocks in whichever groups they thought were appropriate. Well done, everyone!

Computing in Mrs Blair’s class 😎

Today we went on purple mash and created our avatars.

We did a great job!😊

Soccer Schools

Word, Question and Music of the Week

Each week we introduce a word, song and question of the week to all the children in school. We then let parents and carers know what they are via Facebook and our website so that you can chat at home about them.
This week…
Word of the week: Forgiveness (which is our new school value). In simple terms, we have explained that when people forgive, they are kind to those who have not been kind to them.
Question of the week: Who do you know who is special and why?
Music of the week: Sweet Symphony by Joy Oladokun and Chris Stapleton.

Y4 George’s Marvellous Medicine! 📚✏

Our author focus in Literacy is Roald Dahl.  📚📝

In today’s lesson, we made our very own marvellous  medicines! We chose different ingredients that we wanted to use and thought of exciting names and descriptions for each of them. We remembered to include rhyme, alliteration and onomatopoeia to make our descriptions interesting, just like Roald Dahl does! ⭐🌟✨


Y6 British Artists 😊

This week, we started our Art topic of British Artists. We began by studying the work of David Hockney, then recreated one of his famous pieces using our own ideas.