Published on: 1st December, 2023

Weekly Newsletter #11


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Nursery have given Mr Skinny Legs a fond farewell for Winter!

This week we have had a spider week in nursery. After noticing our spider was looking tired and didn’t really want holding the children decided he should stay in the shed for winter. Throughout the week we have carried out many activities to create our own spiders using paper, paint, crayons and clay!

RE Debates Film

We hosted 20 schools for RE Debates a couple of weeks ago and one of the sessions was filmed by Telford and Wrekin when we had Cllr Eileen Callear join us for the afternoon. Please see the film below to watch part of our debates!

Year 3 – Tudor Kings and Queens

We were historians in Year 3 today! We identified and highlighted the most appropriate and useful facts that we could find. We then used those facts to create different fact files about the Tudor Kings and Queens.

Well done everybody for such a brilliant afternoon! 🙂

Nursery’s brilliant, bouncy PE!

For PE we had a warm up then Miss Whittaker got the balls from the cupboard for us to roll or throw to our partner. All of the children had a brilliant time and really worked on their throwing and catching techniques!

Science in year 1.

Today we learnt all about the Beaufort scale. We worked hard in pairs to order the strength of the wind. We talked about thunderstorms, hurricanes and tornadoes.

Y5 Ndebele African House Painting

After reading our class novel, ‘Journey to Jo’Burg’, as part of our stories from other cultures topic, we have looked further into the art of South Africa.

We came across beautiful Ndebele house painting. They used bright colours and geometric patterns to decorate their homes as a sign of celebration, status or power.

Year 5 have designed their own house paintings in the style of Ndebele.

Year 1 Rugby 🏉

Mia from Stourbridge Rugby Club has been delivering rugby sessions to our Year 1 children this half-term on Mondays. Please can we encourage you to provide your child with a pair of jogging or tracksuit bottoms in their P.E bag whilst the weather is cold. Thank you for your support.

Geography Projects in Year 6 😊

Whilst the rest of their classmates are at Arthog, the Year 6 children who are at school this week have also been having a wonderful time! 😊 They have been enjoying all sorts of learning opportunities, and have particularly enjoyed the geography projects that they have been working on.

We have been talking about different coastal areas, both in the UK and in the world, and have been using Google Maps to explore. The children have chosen a focus coastal area which they have researched and produced a project on. We have all learned lots of fascinating facts from each other! 🤩


Reception singing

This week, we have set up a sparkly stage with microphones and music. The children are loving singing well known songs and playing music to accompany their friends.

Y4 Electricity! 💡💡💡

As part of our Electricity unit, Year 4 have been using the circuit kits to experiment with different components of a circuit. Today, we learned all about the purpose of motors, buzzers and switches. We worked in small groups to make each of the circuits! 😊🌟

Grotto Tickets (PTFA)

Well jingle bells and all that’s festive, Santa is coming to St George’s and he’s bringing his grotto with him!
Our brilliant PTFA has arranged for four separate sessions for St George’s pupils and their siblings to have a one-to-one with the big man, and take home a very special gift. (Sunday morning is a relaxed session solely for SEN members of our St George’s family).
Tickets are priced at just £5.50 each, and include art and craft activities in the main hall, a personal meet-and-greet with Santa, plus a special gift to take home. On sale on a strictly first-come-first-served basis, you’ll have a dedicated 15 minute slot to enter the grotto which includes a private session with Santa for your family.
Tickets are on sale now, until Friday the 8th December so do visit this link to register (see register tab at the bottom once you have clicked the link) and to reserve your grotto place.
Sessions run on:
• Sunday 10th December – 9 – 11am = SEN only session
• Sunday 10th December – 11.30 – 5pm standard session
• Tuesday 12th December – After school (3.15 – 5.30pm)
• Wednesday 13th December – After school (3.30pm – 5.30pm)
Babes in arms can absolutely be carried, but only ticketed children will receive a gift. Please do take care choosing your session as we’re not able to change bookings or refund them once they’re made.
Any questions, please email
rather than contacting school directly.
Merry Christmas!

Y6 Arthog Residential

Well…what can we say? We are SO super proud of the children for working so well as a team, helping each other, showing kindness and giving activities a go even if they weren’t keen. Well done Year 6! HUGE thanks to staff who have given up their own time, away from their families, to go on the residential. Your support is very much appreciated!

Word, Song and Music of The Week

Word of the week: Advent. The time of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus at Christmas.
Question of the week: Who do you respect and why?
Music of the week: ‘Who You Say I Am’ by Hillsong Worship

Advent Prayer

Holy God,

The One who comes to us in love and invites us to be your friend.

Through advent we prepare to celebrate

how you came to us in Jesus on the first Christmas day.

Help us to look out for all the hidden ways

you come to us and your world

and draw us close to you.

We pray in the name of Jesus,

whose coming we eagerly await.
