Published on: 15th January, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #15


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Newsletter Welcome January 2024

Welcome to the first newsletter of 2024! We do hope you all had a lovely Christmas and new year. This newsletter highlights some of the learning and opportunities children have enjoyed in school this week. Please look in your child’s class/year group area on the school website to see further news and celebrations each week.

Brazil and The Amazon Rainforest in Year 6

This week, we have started our Geography topic of ‘Brazil and The Amazon Rainforest’, which the children have been very excited about! Here is some of the work that we did about the human and physical geographical features of Brazil! 🌍

Learning about Money in Year 2 💷

This week we have been learning about pounds and pence. We looked at different coins and their amount, we also started to look at notes! We opened envelopes and practised adding up the different coins.

Arrays – Year 1

As mathematicians, this week we have been drawing arrays to help us solve multiplication sentences.

Y5 Ukuleles

Today, Miss Williams visited 5M for their penultimate Ukulele lesson. The children can now play 5 chords! Well done everyone!

5TP will be having 10 Ukulele lessons next.

Winter weather exploration for nursery!

The nursery children have loved exploring the winter weather this week. We have discussed the daily weather conditions and learned about how to keep warm when playing outside by playing matching pairs, holding discussions and sharing stories.

Reception – Stickman writing

We have enjoyed our work about Stickman this week. Some children in my class did some fantastic writing all about Stickman! Well done!

Year 4 Science: Sound

Year 4 had great fun investigating how sounds are made. They used balloons, drums and salt to see and feel the vibrations happening! 

Year 3 – Drumba

We had an absolutely brilliant afternoon in Year 3. We had a lesson using the Drumba equipment for the first time.

Everyone had a lovely time and picked up the different skills incredibly quickly. We are looking forward to more Drumba next week!


St George’s C of E Primary School Young Saver Scheme 👛

Just Credit Union Parent Letter

With the support of the ‘Just Credit Union’, we are excited to announce the launch of our new ‘St George’s C of E Primary School Young Saver Scheme.’

This evening, your child should have brought home a double-sided letter explaining everything that you need to know. Please speak to your child’s class teacher tomorrow if this is not the case.

Please find a copy of the letter above, but you will need access to a printer if you are wanting to complete an application form.

We hope that our exciting new initiative will be of interest to your child.


Tudor houses in 1B 🏠

Happy new year!

Today we started our new topic in history all about houses and homes. We looked at Tudor houses today and made our own. We labelled the houses with facts all about Tudor houses.

Bubbles in Reception

We have had lots of fun outside with Bubble mixture this week. We have made wands and experimented to see if different shaped holes produced different shaped bubbles.

Word, music and question of the week

Word of the week: malleable. Something that can be shaped into something else, without breaking, like clay.
Question of the week: What would you like to achieve in 2024?
Music of the week: Bolero composed by Ravel.