Published on: 2nd February, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #18


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Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

Year 6 – Hindu Mandirs

As part of our RE topic, ‘What Makes Our Community Respectful’, we have been learning about Hinduism. Here is some of the wonderful work that the children produced about Hindu Mandirs.







Nursery’s super story teller!

Nursery absolutely loved having Peter Chand in to tell us some of his fabulous stories. They all listened brilliantly, followed the actions and sat beautifully. We were very proud of them and all had lots of fun!

Land use in our local area

In Geography, we are looking at land uses.

This afternoon, the children in year three went to investigate how the land is used in St Georges. When we got back to school, they drew some sketches of what they saw.



All the children were very well behaved and sensible when crossing the road. Well done 🙂

Small, Smaller, Smallest In Reception.

This week, we have been talking about measuring. We have measured long things, tall things, short things and used words like longest, taller and shortest.

We have sung this song as our going home song to re-enforce our learning.


Just Credit Union Junior Savers

Our first ‘Deposit Day’ was a great success with a number of our ‘Young Savers’ making their first deposits into their accounts.

The next ‘Deposit Day’ will be on Wednesday 21st February 8:00-8:30am and 3:30-4:00pm.

Year 1 – Dance

As sportspeople, our Year 1 children have been working hard choreographing a dance routine. The theme of their dance is mini-beasts and they have been working hard to ‘Time Of Your Life’ from the movie ‘A Bug’s Life.’

Year 4 RE Stewardship

Today we thought about the meaning of the word: Stewardship.  We talked about how we can enjoy, look after and be responsible for the world that God created. We drew the world in two states -creation loved and creation spoiled.

Year 1 – Number Bonds to 20

After spending the Autumn term focusing on our number bonds to 10, we are now using these facts in the Spring term to help us know our number bonds to 20.

Exploring Antarctica- Reception

Recently in Reception we have been exploring hot and cold places. We focused on Antarctica last week, looking at what the weather is like there, what we would need to pack in a suitcase if we were going to visit and some of the animals that live there. We particularly enjoyed learning about penguins. We found out there are different types of penguins and we measured ourselves against the height of penguins that we had stuck up in the classrooms to show their actual size. The children made some observational paintings of penguins which turned out beautiful.


In year three, the children are learning to play the recorder.

So far, we have learned to play A, B and G.


We have been historians today in 1B 😊

Today we were historians. Our history topic this term is Houses and Homes. We have been looking at cavemen homes and how they showed stories from their lives on the walls of the caves they lived in. We had a go at using sticks to paint cavemen pictures, we painted animals and hunters,  it was tricky but good fun!

Word, music and question of the week

Word of the week: interconnection. In geography, interconnection is the way people impact on the world around them through their actions.
Question of the week: What is something that you really like about yourself?
Music of the week: Danny Boy performed by Codetta Choir.

Special Prayer of Joy

Dear God,


May I have joy in my heart.

May I have joy in my life.

May I bring joy to others.

May I spread joy throughout the world.
