Published on: 23rd February, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #19


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Newsletter Welcome

This bumper edition actually celebrates two weeks of activities in school. We hope you enjoy reading what the children have been learning and enjoying!

Y5 Fantastic Fractions!

Year 5 have worked incredibly hard all week on fractions!

We have learned how to multiply a fraction by an integer.

Nursery’s perfect pancake week!

This week in nursery we have been focusing on shrove Tuesday and the book ‘Mr Wolf’s pancakes’ written by Jan Fearnley. Throughout the week we have had lots of fun looking at recipes to make pancakes in Mr Wolf’s kitchen. We have practised tossing pancakes, tasted pancakes, made silly pancake faces using scissors and played story matching pairs. It has been a busy week!

Geography Projects in Year 6 🌎

As part of our Geography topic of ‘Brazil and The Amazon Rainforest’, the children in year 6 created projects for their homework. We were blown away by the amazing quality of their projects, which ranged from PowerPoints to artwork; fact files to models; and posters to rainforest-themed cakes!














Changes- Reception

We have been looking at changes in Science. We discussed what happens to water when we put it in a freezer and then the children had the challenge of turning the ice back into water. Most children tried to use their hands because they said their hands were warm. Some children said a towel would be warmer and melted the ice cubes by holding them in a towel.

The next task the Reception children were given was to see what would happen to  sugar cubes if they dropped water onto them. The children had lots of fun with our experiments.

Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: Empire. A group of countries or states ruled over by a single monarch.
Question of the week: What job would you like to have when you are an adult?
Music of the week: The Blessing by Elevation Church Kids

Year 4 RE Rosh Hashanah

Today, we learned about the Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah. We know that it is a time when Jews remember the creation of the world. The day is referred to as ‘the birthday of the world’. It is a time when people think about their faults of the past year. It is the custom at home to eat pieces of bread and apple dipped in honey, this represents the hope for a ‘sweet’ new year. We really enjoyed trying it!


Year 3 – Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

This week, the children have been doing a range of activities to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week.
We have been fortunate enough to have Mrs Wingrove-Adams join us for a special assembly.
Mrs Hach and Miss Slaney have also led a special workshop.


Nursery, Wonder Whittaker and the dragon fruits!

As it is the year of the dragon on the Chinese zodiac the nursery children have been investigating dragon fruits! Wonder Whittaker arrived with some mysterious fruits for the children to identify and taste. They had a wonderful time looking, smelling and tasting them. We were all amazed that two of the same named fruits could be so different in appearance, smell and taste!

Buddy Storytelling with Year 6 and Year 2 🥰

As part of Storytelling week, we shared stories with the children from Year 2. We had a fantastic time and especially enjoyed watching the performance of ‘The Three Billy Goat’s Gruff’ by the Year 2 children! 😊

Art in Year 6! 🎨

Here is some of our fantastic artwork inspired by Brazilian artist, Romero Britto! 😊


All about the love in 1B ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎

Today we made Valentine’s cards.

We had to listen carefully to the instructions and then make our cards.

Well done everyone!

Nursery’s Lunar New Year learning

The nursery children have loved learning about the Luna new year. We have shared stories of the great race, found out the zodiac animal for their birth year, visited and worked in the Chinese restaurant and played matching pairs to develop our vocabulary of Chinese traditions. As it is the year of the dragon we have made dragon masks and gone on a parade around school as well as doing dragon dancing in PE!

Year 2 Florence Nightingale Workshop

Today we took part in a fantastic Florence Nightingale workshop. We took a step back in time to find out about the past. We handled different artefacts to look for clues about what life was like when Florence was alive. We even pretended that we were in the hospitals as nurses or soldiers.

Year 1 – Clay Tiles 🏠

As artists, our Year 1 children have been working hard to make a clay tile in the style of a house. The children used the end of a paintbrush to add texture to their work.

Safer Internet Day 2024

Today is Safer Internet Day. Mr Perry, Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Croft will be leading KS1 and KS2 assemblies. The theme for this year is ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’

We will be discussing how to navigate the internet and will talk about being SMART online-Please see below for more information on what SMART stands for.

SMART-stay safe online

Year 1 – Fractions of Quantities

As mathematicians, this week we have been finding fractions of quantities. We worked in pairs to find the fraction of each quantity to help us navigate a way through the maze from the start to the finish.

Year 1 – Estimating On A Number Line

As mathematicians, we have focused on place value this week. We worked in pairs to draw and number line and we had to estimate where to put the numbers that we were given onto it.

This Week in Year 2

Special Prayer

We give you our school.
We give you all the teachers and staff who work here,
We give you all the children who study here.
We pray our school would be place of great discovery,
adventure and creativity.
May it be a place where we love to learn and where we
learn to love,
A place where every one is respected and all are deeply
We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
