Published on: 1st March, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #20


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Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

This week in Year 2

Maths in Year 6! 🌟

This week, the children in Year 6 have been working very hard on their problem solving and reasoning skills in Maths! They have been tackling some very tricky problems involving area, perimeter and statistics- well done to all of our budding mathematicians! 👏👏👏

Nursery’s pancake PE

This week in PE the nursery children had a wonderful time flipping pretend pancakes and having pancake races. They used all of their strength to see how high they could flip their pancake and ran like the wind when it was their turn to race!

Year 1 – Length

As mathematicians, we have been learning about length this week. We went on a hunt around the classroom to find things that were shorter and longer than the giant’s footprint.

Y5 Wagamamas 🍜

Year 5 have had a wonderful trip to Wagamamas this week to look at foods from other cultures. The children tried some Japanese delicacies as well as prepare a tofu noodle dish which they then ate.  Lots of children asked the chefs questions about their jobs and we now have lots of pupils aspiring to be chefs!

Tell a Fairy Tale Day! 👸🤴🏰📚

On Monday, St George’s celebrated Tell a Fairy Tale Day!  The children took part in activities that immersed them in the world of fairy tales.

To make the day extra special, our Senior Leadership Team visited each year group to share fairy tales with the children and some year groups also enjoyed buddy reading sessions where they exchanged their favourite fairy tales.

Recorder Festival for Year 3, 4 and 6 🎵🎵

Wow! What an incredible performance at the Recorder Festival by our fabulous children! 🌟🌟🌟 Yesterday, all of the children in Year 4, plus some children from Year 3 and the Year 6 Recorder Club, attended the Telford And Wrekin Recorder Festival at The Telford Theatre. We were absolutely blown away by their amazing recorder playing, and also by their impeccable behaviour. You were a credit to St George’s and to yourselves. Well done! 👏👏👏



Pancake making in Reception!

We made and ate some pancakes on Thursday after learning about Mr Wolf’s pancakes this week. We all talked about the ingredients we would need and then watched Mrs Bridgewater make the batter and then cook the pancakes. Mrs Bridgewater was brilliant at flipping the pancakes! We enjoyed our pancakes with lemon and sugar!

Year 3 – Tag Rugby

Year 3 were lucky enough to have an afternoon of tag rugby. They took part in lots of different, fun games.

It was such a lovely afternoon which was full of smiles and laughter. Well done, everyone!

Nursery’s Tell a Fairy Tale Day

On Monday we had Mrs Foxley in Nursery to read the children a traditional fairy tale. They all sat beautifully, listened and answered questions about the story we were very proud of them! In the afternoon we discussed the features and of a traditional fairy tale while colouring horses, castles or princesses.

Morning writing

We have been trying really hard on our writing recently practising every morning when we come in. On a Thursday, we have a picture and have to describe what we can see. Here is some of RM’s fantastic writing.

Word. question and music of the week

Word of the week: hymn. A religious song that praises God.
Question of the week: What is your favourite song and why?
Music of the week: Waterloo by Abba.

Special Prayer

Dear God,

Please help each and every one of us to find out what we are good at, and help us to use our talents to help one another.
