Published on: 17th May, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #27


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Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

Year 6 Hoodies! 😊

Here are our fabulous Year 6 children in their leavers’ hoodies! 🙂

Year 4 Maths – Shape

This week in Year 4, we have been looking at shape. We have looked at the different types of polygons and their properties as well as how many lines of symmetry each shape has.

Year 3 – E-Mailing

We have been learning about emailing in Year 3. We have learnt how to send emails, how to reply to emails and how to stay safe when using emails. We also made our own quiz!

Nursery love ‘Try it Tuesday!’

Every Tuesday in nursery Miss Whittaker gets the children something new to try at snack time. So far the children have tried a range of things not included in the school fruit scheme. They have all be very brave trying foods they are not sure they will like! So far we have enjoyed melons, kiwis, retro Garibaldi biscuits and raspberries. The children are always very excited to see what we have in the ‘Try it Tuesday’ bag and love guessing what it could be!

Reception Maths – To 20 and beyond!

This week we have been learning all about the numbers 10-20. We used numicon to show the pattern of the 10s digit and the 1s digit to make the numbers 11-20. We also matched pictures with different representations of the numbers and ordered them, played games, used numicon to make numbers and ordered birthday cards on a number line and took one away to identify which number was missing. Well done everyone. Here are some photos of our work this week.

Y5 Science- plant life cycles

As part of a science topic, Life Cycles, we have been studying the life cycle of flowering and non-flowering plants. We spent the afternoon looking at plants around the school grounds and we took cuttings to then try and grow our own plants. We were very lucky that Miss Rodenhurst brought in some plants that she has propagated and she explained the process and showed us some videos.

Learning about fruit and vegetables in Reception

During the last couple of weeks we have been reading stories which have included different fruit and vegetables. We have learnt the names of some of these that we didn’t know before, used pastels to draw a bowl of fruit and explored some fruits and vegetables by cutting them open to see what they look like on the inside. Some children were even brave enough to taste them.

Year 2 Science

Today, we tested the strength of a single strand of tissue paper by hanging a carrier bag from it and we gently added beanbags to the bag to see how much weight the paper strip could hold until it broke. We then worked in groups to design and make the strongest rope we could from 2 strips of tissue paper. We tested the strength of our ropes and made sure it was a fair test.

Year 2 History

In History we pretended that we lived during Victorian times and had gone to the seaside. We wrote a postcard to a relative to share what we had done there.

Year 2 Behaviour Star Treat! 🍧🍦🍨

The children in year 2 reached 500 behaviour stars this week! As their reward, they enjoyed a refreshing ice lolly with their friends!

Special Prayer

Oh Lord

Bless our school,

that working together and playing together

we may learn to serve you

and to help one another.
