Published on: 24th May, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #28


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Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

We Are National Record Breakers!

We broke a national record today for the school with the most children to have their screening for Type 1 Diabetes in the whole country! We had a total of 114 children take part. Thank you everyone!

New Reading Shed

Our new reading shed is looking great! Mrs Hough and a group of children have worked really hard this afternoon to get it ready to be used after half term. 😊
(Shed kindly bought for us by our PTFA.)

Artist Visitor

Thank you to local artist Neil who has been in school again this week to add our values to the KS1 playground. He has also added our school motto to the hall.

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone for supporting our PTFA’s New Rule Day today in school. The children had a fabulous time and it was so lovely to see the effort families had put in to helping us. Together we have raised a WHOPPING £810 towards the new adventure play. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

New Rules Day in Year 2

Year 3 Design and Technology

This week we have been busy in Year 3 finishing our DT project, the children have shown fantastic perseverance skills in order to complete their purses.

Year 2 Puppets

Over several lessons we have been making an animal glove puppet. We decided which animal we would like to make and drew our designs. We used our sewing skills to fix the two pieces of fabric together using a running stitch. When we had finished sewing  we added on some extra features like  eyes, paws or tummy.


Y5- New Rules Day

Year 5 are enjoying changing the rules for just one day! We have children in their own clothes, wearing costumes, different colour hair, temporary tattoos as well as fizzy drinks and sweets for breaktime! So much fun is being had as well as raising money for school!

Reception have been busy drawing daffodils!

This week our story of the week is Bloom by Anne Booth. We are doing lots of work about flowers, drawing them, investigating them and talking about the different parts of a plant. Yesterday morning the children did a wonderful job of copying a YouTube video to learn how to draw a daffodil. Look at our wonderful drawings!

Reception’s bee writing

This week, one of our pictures of the day was of a bee tending a honeycomb. We thought this was a beautiful picture and we chose to do some writing about it. The children came up with their own sentences and tried hard to use all the skills we have been practising recently when writing. We are trying to remember to use the sounds we know to write words, remember how to write some of the tricky words, use capital letters, to use full stops and use gaps between each word. It’s a lot to remember and we are doing really well.

Sunny times for nursery!

The children have been busy appreciating the sunny weather. They have had a wonderful time playing with the water, parachute, garden tools and loved being able to go on the grass.  We even had ‘children’s choice’ music outside and dancing children!

Design and Technology in Year 2 – Making Puppets

Year 2 First Aid Workshop

Today we had a special visitor called Kelly who led a Mini First Aid workshop for us. We learned about what we should do if someone hurts themselves at school, how we could help people, how to put on a plaster, how to use a bandage, when to use an ice pack and who to phone in an emergency. We had a brilliant session.


Year 1 – Brown Bear, Brown Bear 🐻

As writers, our Year 1 children have been writing their own versions of Brown Bear by Eric Carle.

Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: Pivot. The central point on which something turns.
Question of the week: Do you prefer winter or summer? Why?
Music of the week: I Got You by James Brown.

Special Prayer

This is our school,

let peace dwell here.

Let our school be full of contentment.

let love abide here-

love of one another,

love of mankind, love of life itself

and love of God.

Let us remember that as many hands build a house,

so many hearts make a school.
