Published on: 12th July, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #34


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Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

Nursery’s England football parade!

On Thursday we celebrated our England football team getting through to the final of the Euros! After making our flags we went on a parade around school. We had a great time waving our flags and walking around school while listening to the song ‘Three Lions’.

Year 4 STEM Project for Science Week

Year 4 children learned about the work of design engineers and then had a go at building their own bridges.

Year 5 Recycling Homework

Here’s just a few more examples of the incredible effort put into our homework this week. The brief was to make a piece of artwork from waste around the home.

Well done Year 5!

Nursery’s fantastic frog week!

Continuing our lifecycle learning, this week in nursery we have been focusing on frogs. We have shared many fabulous frog stories, completed jigsaws, coloured pictures, counted frogs, sung songs and discussed what we can see in our curiosity cube.


Year 3 Maths

In Year 3 this week we have been looking at angles, this morning we went on a right angle hunt around the classroom!

Y5 D&T – Ploughman’s Lunch 🧀

This week, Year 5 have started their Great British Dishes topic. We started with English National Dishes and looked at the history behind a Ploughman’s lunch.

The children taste tested cheeses, breads and pickles!

Year 2 Literacy

This week we have started looking at the story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. Today we explored the emotions felt by story characters. We discussed the character actions and the language that was used in the text to convey emotions. Then we chose one emotion and with a partner created a poster showing why the crayon feels this way. The children produced some fantastic work!



We have been learning about maps and also positional language during the last couple of weeks in Maths. We also had to follow our friends instructions to try and draw a house exactly the same as our friends. Here are some photos of what we have been up to!


Year 2 Maths

This week we are practising our 2, 5 and 3 times tables.

The children had so much fun playing this game to consolidate their knowledge of the 2 times table!

2x table game – Copy

Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: Horse chestnut tree (conker tree)
Question of the week: Which is your favourite school value? Why?
Music of the week: ‘We Are The Champions’ by Queen

Special Prayer

We have had assemblies this week about keeping promises and telling the truth. We read The Boy Who Cried Wolf and then shared this prayer:


Loving God, help us to keep our promises.

Make us wise in the promises we make.

Help us all to be trustworthy people,

so that we can live together in love and harmony.
