Published on: 13th September, 2024

Weekly Newsletter #35


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Newsletter Welcome

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of news so please do head to our website to read about more!

Year 5 and 6 RE Harvest Poems

Year 5 and 6 have been writing Harvest Festival Poems. We had so many fantastic pieces of work! Here are just a couple for you to see…



Nursery’s fantastic first week!

This week in nursery the children have continued to make friends and settle into nursery life. We have made play dough, drawn pictures of people for our wall display, shared stories and painted many pictures. It has been a wonderful week!

Year 3 author work

In year 3 this week we have been learning about the author Michael Rosen, the children really enjoyed listening to some of his stories and poems and have produced some fantastic fact files about him too!



Staff Spot! Mrs Watts-Deputy Head

Each week, we will be introducing a member of staff so you can get to know who people are in school if you are unsure. First up…Mrs Watts!

Name Mrs Watts
Role in school and how long you have worked here? I am the Deputy Head at St George’s.

I have worked here for 32 years. I started in 1992 as a newly qualified teacher.

What do you love about working at St George’s?





Oooohhh… there are so many things!

I love being part of such a positive team. I love the children that come here – they are amazing! I love how supportive our families are and how we all work hard together.

Children singing at St George’s is something that always makes me emotional – they do it so well.

Can you tell us about a memory from when you were at school?




When I was at primary school, my best friend Lorna and I used to hide under the tables in the corridor and try to guess who was walking by their feet!

I used to be good at running so I loved sports day. I remember my Grandma cheering me on and her being so pleased when I won a race.

What are your hobbies?






I spend a lot of time watching football. I am a season ticket holder with Shrewsbury Town Football Club. (sometimes I wish I supported a team which wins more regularly!)

I love spending time with my friends and my family and walking my dogs Peggy and Dougie.

What’s your favourite biscuit? Tricky… I think probably my favourite is a chocolate digestive.
If you could go on holiday to anywhere in the world, where would you go? I would love to go to Brazil. I really like learning about wildlife so I would love to see the Amazon river and rainforest and see, first hand some of the animals and plants that live there.

Year 2 Literacy

In Literacy, we have started our author study. We have reading stories written by Anthony Browne. Today, we read the book ‘The Tunnel’. The children took part in an activity called ’Conscience Alley’ where they role played the different voices in Rose’s head, presenting reasons for and against her decision to follow her brother into the tunnel.





Today in year 1 we have been learning about what technology is. We looked in the classroom and around school. We had to sort the things we thought were technology and which weren’t.

Year 3 Maths

We have had a great morning in Year 3 representing numbers up to 100 using dienes, the children were able to explain how many tens and ones they needed.

Year 4 Self-Portraits

We have had a fantastic first few days back. As part of our week, we have been artists. We worked hard to follow the step-by-step guide to draw our self-portraits. We are incredibly proud of them.

Well done Reception!

The Reception staff would like to say a huge well done to all of our wonderful Reception children this week for settling in to school so wonderfully. We are so proud of how well they have come in in the morning, how well they are sitting together on the carpet and how well they have all been with the new routines in school. We can’t wait to see everyone for our first full week next week.

Well Done Year 6 - St Vincents R.C. Primary School

Year One – Self Portraits 🎨

Our Year 1 children have all made a fantastic start to life in their new classes!

All of the children have created a lovely self-portrait which has gone onto display outside our classrooms.

Word, question, music and wildlife of the week

Every week we have a word, question and music of the week that we share with the children in assemblies. This year we are also introducing British wildlife of the week. By doing this, we introduce the children to a range of fantastic music and vocabulary.
Music: I Say A Little Prayer by Aretha Franklin
Word: Simmer
Question: What do you want to improve most at in school this year?
British wildlife: Fox and foxglove

Special Prayer

Lord Jesus, We ask for Your help as we begin this new school year. Allow us to experience Your presence in the many blessings You put before us. Open our eyes to the new challenges and exciting opportunities that this new school year brings. Open our hearts and minds to new friends and new teachers.
