Published on: 27th October, 2023

Weekly Newsletter #7 Autumn 2023


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Newsletter Welcome

Welcome to our Friday newsletter which celebrates some of the things we have been up to in school this week.

Have a lovely half term everyone! See you back at school on Monday 6th November.

Farewell Church Service for Reverend Evans

Today the whole school celebrated Reverend Evans’ time at St George’s in Church as he is retiring at the end of November. Children read prayers, poems and memories of Reverend Evans and we all sang some of his favourite school hymns. We even included a performance of the Harvest Samba song to which we got him to dance around Church being followed by children for one last time. We also showed off our children’s fantastic portraits that they had drawn of Reverend Evans.

Y5 Fractions on Laptops

This week, we have been learning about equivalent fractions.

We played a fun game on the laptops which asked us to pair up equivalent fractions. Everyone got high scores!

Year 1 – Mathematics

As mathematicians, our Year 1 children worked collaboratively to match up the numbers 1-20 with the correct spelling of it. We then played ‘Post A Letter’ on the board which you may wish to play at home too…

Y4 Nelson Mandela!

As part of Black History Month, Year 4 have been looking closely at the work of Nelson Mandela. We researched all about his life and created wonderful fact files! 🌟

Y5 American Hot Dogs!

As part of our geography topic, the children learned about food and farming in America. We all ate a hot dog too!

Writing in Year 6 😊

This half term, the children in Year 6 have been working incredibly hard on their writing. This week, they have been utilizing all of the writing skills that they have developed during our topic of DiariesΒ to create an imaginary diary entry based on the theme of ‘Moving House’. We are so very proud of the focussed approach that all of our Year 6 children have demonstrated. ❀

Our previous writing topic was Biography and Autobiography,Β which culminated in a piece of independent writing based on Edmund Hillary (who we learned about during our Geography topic of Mountains). Once again, the children worked extremely hard and produced some outstanding work. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘



Art Competition! πŸ–ŒβœπŸ–ŒβœπŸ–ŒβœπŸ–Œ

Our art competition is inspired by the artist Henry Fraser. We heard about him today during assembly.

Below is a link all about him.

The competition is to produce a piece of art, painting preferably, by holding the paintbrush in your mouth. You will have to persevere, it will be tricky but try your very best!

Entries have to be in after half term on the 6th November. Give them to Mrs Blair, Mrs Bridgwater or Mrs Probert.

Good luck!


Word, question and music of the week

Word of the week: hygiene. Personal hygiene is the way we care for our bodies. It includes many activities, such as washing hands, brushing teeth, and bathing. Good personal hygiene will help you to stay healthy. Well-kept hygiene will prevent illnesses and help build your self-awareness.
Question of the week: What could you invent to help the environment?
Music: That’s What Friends Are For by Stevie Wonder, Dionne Warwick, Elton John, and Gladys Knight.