Published on: 10th November, 2023

Weekly Newsletter #8


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Welcome to our newsletter!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of new so head to our website to read about more!

Remembrance Collective Worship

All of our children showed exceptional respect during our two Remembrance Collective Worships today. We are very, very proud of them all.

Poppy art work

This week, the children have been learning about Remembrance Day.

They have had a very special assembly this morning and all of year three were very respectful.

The children have done some fantastic Poppy art work.

Here are a few examples:

Y5 Football Tournament

A team of Year 5 girls went to TCAT to take part in a football tournament.

They represented the school perfectly and showed outstanding teamwork skills!

Year 6 Lucian Freud Homework 🎨🖌🖼

Well done to all of the children for their fantastic artwork, that they completed during half term. 👏😊 They produced a variety of portraits based on the work of Lucian Freud.



Autumn learning in Nursery

In nursery we have been learning about Autumn, we have discussed signs of Autumn, shared stories, played matching pairs, coloured pictures and enjoyed many other activities.

Dentist visit

On Tuesday, we had a visit from a lady from the 0-19 healthcare team. She talked to us about how to keep our teeth nice and healthy. We talked about how to brush our teeth effectively, how long to brush for and how often. We also talked about spitting and not rinsing. We talked about which foods were healthy for our teeth and had a go at brushing the dragons teeth.


School disco!

We had such a wonderful time at our first ever school disco! Here is a photo of the best bit when the foam came!

Remembrance in Year 6 ❤

As part of Remembrance this week, the children in Year 6 read and discussed the meaning of the poem In Flanders Fields by John McCrae. Here are some examples of the work that they produced from this.




Year 4 RE The Story of the Two Brothers

We listened to ‘The Story of the Two Brothers’ and worked in small groups to act out the story, thinking carefully about the Muslim values.


4W Forest School! 🌳💚

A huge well done to the children in 4W for their first Forest School session. They used excellent team work to build different shelters and enjoyed a yummy hot chocolate at the end! A fantastic afternoon in the sunshine ☀😎


Y2 Literacy- Instructions

In Literacy, we have been learning about instructions and we have linked our work to our history unit ‘Travel and Transport’.

Today we used roleplay to re-enact an airport experience. First, we made our own boarding passes and passports. Then we went into the hall to act out the entire process of travelling on a plane including checking in, baggage and security. We even got to see a real safety demonstration from our very own air hostess, Mrs Bradburn!

Reception art- Yayoi Kusama

In Reception we have been looking at some art work by a Japanese artist called Yayoi Kusama (pronounced Ya-yoy Koo-sama). Yayoi Kusama is known for her extensive use of polka dots. We have been producing some art work in this style this week. We have focused on making pumpkin pictures using polka dots as Yayoi Kusama has produced lots of art using pumpkins. We have also been reading our story of the week ‘Pumpkin Soup’. While making our polka dot pictures we have been learning about what the 3 primary colours are-red, blue and yellow. Next week we will be experimenting to see what happens when we mix the primary colours together.