Published on: 15th December, 2023

Weekly Newsletter#13


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Newsletter Welcome!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter where we share and celebrate news, events and achievements that have happened in the week. This is just a small selection of new so head to our website to read about more. All Christmas event dates can be found on the website and they have also been emailed out to parents and carers a couple of times for your information as there is a lot going on!

Touch Typing

This week, the children have been doing Computing. This term, the topic is ‘Touch Typing’. The children have developed some great typing skills.

They are able to access 2Type on Purple Mash at home if they wish.

The Nativity

This week we have been practising our Nativity play and we are so excited to have you all to watch us on Tuesday. We have been learning about the people in the story and what happened through our play and other activities around the classroom. We have used the small bricks to build a stable, set the scene with some pictures and used some little play people to act out the story.

Y5 Christingles 🕯️

Today, we all made Christingles! 🍊

We learned about what each part of the Christingle represents and how they became a tradition we still enjoy today.



This week in Year 2 😊

Nursery’s Christingles

The children in nursery have really enjoyed making their first Christingle. They learned all about what the different parts represented. They were most intrigued with gods creations and pleased that Jesus blood was actually red tape! Well done nursery!


Today, the children have made their Christingles to take home.

5S Christingles

5S absolutely loved making their Christingles this morning! We had a few challenges pushing in our candles, but we persevered and made some lovely treats celebrating advent.

Nursery had a great time at the pantomime!


The nursery children had a wonderful time at the Christmas pantomime, they all sat beautifully and interacted brilliantly. For some of them it was their first ever pantomime experience. They loved using ‘pantomime language’ and found it very funny!

Reception Christingles

On Monday, we had a lot of fun making Christingles. We learnt what each part of it

represented and practised our counting skills when we put on the sticks then the sweets



Y4 Experience Christmas

Thank you to Reverend Debbie, Reverend Lisa and their team for inviting our Y4 to join them for Experience Christmas at Holy Trinity Church. Staff and children had a lovely morning, learning about the Christmas story and taking part in a range of activities. Our Y4 children behaved beautifully and showed our school value of respect in Church. Well done everyone!

Panto 👽🎄

KS1 loved watching the pantomime this morning (Mr Porteous enjoyed it too!). A very big thank you to Simply Smiley Productions. 😁

Year 4 French Display

Year 4 are really proud of their learning in French lessons with Madame Sohier.

Science in 1B ❄☃❄⛄❄☃❄

Today we learnt about how snow is formed. We looked at countries and places with a cold temperature and where in the world the countries are. We talked about the equator too.  We looked at pictures with different climates and sorted them on a map.