Reading Focus Week/ Author Visit 📚❤

This week, we are celebrating ‘Reading Focus Week’ at St George’s! Throughout this week, the children will participate in various reading activities to promote a love for reading.

To kickstart the week, we invited Roy Bradshaw, a local author, to lead a Key Stage One assembly. He showcased some of the books he had written and read ‘Barley’s Biscuits’ to us. Following the assembly, Roy conducted workshops for Years Two and Three. These workshops focused on his story ‘Konk the White Crocodile,’ and the children had the opportunity to create their own 2D and 3D models of the main character.


It is World Book Day is on Thursday, March 7th. The children can come to school dressed as a book character if they’d like, or they can wear their pyjamas. All children are welcome to bring their favourite book from home.